Castle Hill Population (NSW)

In 2011 there were 37915 people living in Castle Hill. 48.4% are male and 51.6% are female. Castle Hill has a population of 136 indigenous people.

Castle Hill Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females740.2%
Indigenous Males620.2%
Indigenous Population1360.4%
Females born in Australia1215032.0%
Males born in Australia1145930.2%
People born in Australia2360962.3%
Female Population1957451.6%
Male Population1834148.4%
Total Population37915100%

Castle Hill (NSW) Population Pyramid

Castle Hill Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 412093.2%11072.9%23166.1%
5 - 1425876.8%24356.4%502213.2%
15 - 1914673.9%13633.6%28307.5%
20 - 2412663.3%12343.3%25006.6%
25 - 3419095.0%20045.3%391310.3%
35 - 4424456.4%28237.4%526813.9%
45 - 5427187.2%29487.8%566614.9%
55 - 6423276.1%24586.5%478512.6%
65 - 7413753.6%13993.7%27747.3%
75 - 847001.8%10132.7%17134.5%